Electribe Firmware Downgrade
- Ensure your electribe synth is on version 2.02
- Download firmware v1.06 for the sampler electribe
- Download firmware v.1.10 for the synth electribe
These 2 firmwares lack protection checking when swapping between electribes. v1.17+ of the synth version and v1.14+ of the sampler will have protection checking, preventing you from swapping firmwares
Downgrading the Synth Version
- Edit the v1.10 header of the synth firmware to look like v2.02
Look for differences in the header ranging from 0x00 to 0x30 The version information is stored in bytes: major (0x2A) minor (0x2B)
- Load the firmware onto an SD card and update your electribe
- Your electribe will now be v1.10 (v2.02 displayed)
Swapping to the Sampler Version
- Edit the sampler firmware v1.06 to look like a synth firmware v1.11
- Load it on an SD card and update your electribe
- Your electribe will now be a sampler v1.06
Upgrading Sampler Version
- Load an unedited sampler firmware on an SD card and update as usual
- I’ve been unable to successfully update from v1.06 to any other version, I assume newer version have protections.
Going Back to the Synth Version
- Edit synth firmware v1.10 to look like a sampler firmware v1.06
- Load it on an SD card and update your electribe
- The electribe will be a synth v1.10
- Upgrade the electribe normally using unedited synth firmware versions