Electribe Firmware Downgrade



  1. Ensure your electribe synth is on version 2.02


  1. Download firmware v1.06 for the sampler electribe
  2. Download firmware v.1.10 for the synth electribe

These 2 firmwares lack protection checking when swapping between electribes. v1.17+ of the synth version and v1.14+ of the sampler will have protection checking, preventing you from swapping firmwares

Downgrading the Synth Version

  1. Edit the v1.10 header of the synth firmware to look like v2.02

Look for differences in the header ranging from 0x00 to 0x30 The version information is stored in bytes: major (0x2A) minor (0x2B)

  1. Load the firmware onto an SD card and update your electribe
  2. Your electribe will now be v1.10 (v2.02 displayed)

Swapping to the Sampler Version

  1. Edit the sampler firmware v1.06 to look like a synth firmware v1.11
  2. Load it on an SD card and update your electribe
  3. Your electribe will now be a sampler v1.06

Upgrading Sampler Version

  1. Load an unedited sampler firmware on an SD card and update as usual
  2. I’ve been unable to successfully update from v1.06 to any other version, I assume newer version have protections.

Going Back to the Synth Version

  1. Edit synth firmware v1.10 to look like a sampler firmware v1.06
  2. Load it on an SD card and update your electribe
  3. The electribe will be a synth v1.10
  4. Upgrade the electribe normally using unedited synth firmware versions